Ravensfield Farm - Famer - Titia Posthuma

Pasture raised organic pork, garden fresh vegetables.

Raven’sfeild Organic Pork

Raven’sfield pigs are purebred Tamworth, a heritage breed known for its firm and flavourful meat. We have our own breeding stock and raise the pigs till fully grown.

We are fully organic and deeply rooted in bio-dynamic principles and practices. Our pigs eat a well-balanced diet of organic grains, hay, garden produce and weeds, plus they are outside every day to snack on whatever tidbits they find. As forest foragers Tamworths are especially fond of tree seeds and fruits—haw apples, wild cherries and plums, maple seeds, hickory nuts, acorns, etc. In the winter they love the foliage and branches of pine and cedar.

What you are supporting by buying Ravensfield Pork:

I started stewarding this 200 acre parcel of Canadian Shield country in 1981. It had no buildings or fencing and had been overgrazed to the point of being nearly a desert. A farmer’s work is to heal the land. In all that we do, we apply the deep thinking of bio-dynamics; the continual question is: what does the land need and what/how can we grow something to make it stronger? For example, the iron in our soil was locked in a non-accessible(elemental) form; pigs can change this iron into a bio-available form and their manure has been invaluable in raising the fertility of our land.

In 40 years we’ve built farm infrastructure, a garden, house, barn, fencing...The farm is still a ‘work in progress’ but we’re encouraged by the resurgence and renewal of the ecosystems here—especially the forest as this land depends for its wellbeing so heavily on trees.
But we don’t do this work alone. Your participation as a consumer allows us to take on the responsibility of caring for the land and, for doing this work, the wonderful gifts we get back from the farm are pork and vegetables that are nutrient dense and sure to please the most discerning taste buds!

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